May 16, 2019

Law Firm Consolidations Continue at a Rapid Pace

Law firm consolidations continue at a rapid pace, driven mostly by deals involving larger firms acquiring smaller firms. According to Altman Weil MergerLine the volume of deals in the first quarter of 2019 continue at a pace set by the previous year, with a record-breaking 106 law firm mergers and acquisitions recorded in 2018. All the deals involved acquisitions of firms with fewer than 20 lawyers.

Altman Weil Principal Eric Seeger said in a press release, “Strategic acquisitions generally provide a high return on investment. Unlike a lateral group that may not successfully retain their full complement of clients after a move, a whole-firm pick up is more of a sure bet for the acquirer… A lot of small, local combinations arise because of the retirement of a founder or major originator. For a small firm, a merger is often the best succession strategy. Litigation funders are often used in acquisitions and mergers to assist both acquirers and sellers in finalizing deals.”

For more on this story, visit the Law Finance Channel.

If you’re interested in learning more about law firm mergers and acquisitions, contact Pravati Capital by calling 844-772-8284 or by completing our online contact form.


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