February 11, 2019

Litigation Funding by Pravati Capital: It’s What We Do

Plaintiffs asserting claims against big business face an uphill battle. Cases involving commercial litigation, patent claims, antitrust and competition claims and more often present a David-and-Goliath scenario. Adding to that the typical contingency fee arrangement in plaintiff cases, many law firms struggle financially to see meritorious cases through. But there is an answer to that problem: litigation funding by Pravati Capital.

Non-Recourse Litigation Funding for Plaintiff Firms

Pravati Capital is a nationwide litigation finance company that evens the playing field for plaintiff law firms. We provide litigation funding to give those firms the financial stamina to see cases through to the finish, to take new cases, and to grow their business. With our non-recourse funding, law firms have the opportunity to acquire and allocate resources to maintain or even grow their practices without all the red ink on the balance sheet.

Non-Recourse Litigation Funding that Doesn’t Weigh You Down

Law firms can face unique financing struggles. While some clients have deep pockets, others are the little guy. Litigation costs arise throughout the case, well before the funding of a settlement or judgment in the plaintiff’s favor. Plaintiff firms sometimes struggle to meet those ongoing business costs, which continue to accrue throughout the life of the case.

Litigation funding is a type of lawsuit financing that helps subsidize these cases pending the final outcome.

Pravati Capital offers plaintiff-friendly non-recourse litigation funding. That means that the only collateral required is the case itself. And if your case fails, you don’t pay. This type of funding gives your firm the risk-free freedom to see current cases through, take new cases, and grow your firm.

Pravati Capital Lawsuit Financing Keeps You in Charge and Moving Forward

When Pravati Capital issues a non-recourse advance to your firm, you can continue to do business as usual with one exception: now you have risk-free funding to represent your clients to the conclusion of the case. Our advances give you the freedom to hire experts, take depositions, expand staff—to pursue your cases and grow your firm as you see fit.

Your clients depend on you to use your best judgment to carry their cases forward. We want that, too. With Pravati Capital advances, you remain in charge. Our involvement is limited to providing that financial cushion so you can meet firm and client needs.

Pravati Capital Seeks Win-Win Relationships

Financing from Pravati Capital gives you and your client the staying power to persevere, to grow your firm, to give your client case its due. Repayment is required only when you win, by settlement or judgment. So what do you have to lose?

Do you have continency fee cases you know could prevail but either you or your clients don’t have the capital to fund them? The answer is Pravati Capital’s non-recourse litigation funding. Our experience helps us identify law firms with promising cases who need only a financial leg up to help their clients succeed.

For more information on how Pravati Capital can help your firm with litigation funding or related services, call us at 844-772-8284 or complete our online contact form.


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